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No Hassle Divorce

Settling your divorce outside of the court system

No Hassle Divorce

Divorce Services

Step-by-step process that will help make you feel confident in your decisions, and look toward the future.

Divorce Services

NJ Divorce mediation and financial solutions



Welcome to NJ Divorce Mediation and Financial Solutions, where you will find a wealth of information in the form of newsletter articles, calculators, and research reports, along with our insight and experience.

We hope your visit will help you understand the opportunities and potential rewards that are available when you hire a  NJ Association of Professional Mediators (NJAPM) mediator. We have created NJDMANDFS.COM to help you gain a better understanding of the advantage when using a divorce mediator instead of directly going  into the court system. Most importantly, we hope you see the value of working with a financial professional and a NJAPM  professional that will  help peacefully solve family disputes and help you come to an agreed upon financial solution.

     We also provide services in the following areas:

- Life Style Analysis   - Forensic Reviews   -Case Information Statements   - Alimony and Child Support

  - Retirement and Pension Analysis            - Marital Asset Dissolution         -Financial Neutral       - Valuations

Divorce mediation is a proven and effective problem-solving process that helps people avoid the discomfort, high cost, and risk of using our legal system to resolve disagreements. Divorce mediation is a voluntary confidential process in, which a couple negotiates a Memorandum of Understanding with the help of a trained, impartial third party known as a mediator. Be sure to add our site to your list of "favorites" in your Internet browser. We frequently update our information, and we wouldn't want you to miss any developments.

Collaborative Divorce is a process for couples who are looking to end their marriage in divorce. This process allows the couple to work together in a stress free environment and hire professionals who will help the couple peacefully settle their differences outside of the court system.  Couples who choose to go with a Collaborative Divorce and the No Court Divorce have the potential to save their TIME by not having to wait for a judge to give a court date; the couple will also save MONEY by not having to pay court fees, subpoena fees, and added lawyer fees for having to work with the courts.

Our Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and mediator, who is also trained in Collaborative Divorcewill use his extensive knowledge as a financial professional to help you and your spouse work out your financials in the no court divorce methods. The use of a financial neutral may help couples arrive at a resolution. Areas for analysis executive non care compensation, options, stock awards, supplemental retirement plan, and corporate benefits.  



NJ Divorce Mediation and Financial Solutions